For Principal: Responsibilities:

  • Promote and develop good governance within the college with the support of all college staff.
  • Lead the strategic development of the college.
  • Manage the college budget.
  • Administration and supervision of curricular, co- curricular/extra-curricular activities, and welfare of the Department/College, and maintenance of records.
  • Assessing reports of teachers and maintenance of Service Books of all staff.
  • Safeguard the interests of teachers/non-teaching staff members and students.
  • Timely submission of information/returns to different authorities viz.Government/University.
  • Any Other work assigned to him by the competent authority.
  • Shall not involve in activities, not conducive to the work during the working hours.
  • Will follow the code of conduct given in the service rule of the Chhattisgarh State Govt.

For Faculty & Staff:

  • The faculty and staff are expected to be at their workplace during the prescribed working hours.
  • Prior written permission should be taken from the Principal before leaving the workplace/HQ.
  • The faculty and staff shall not engage themselves either directly or indirectly in any kind of business or trade activities.
  • Follow the orders issued by the government from time to time.
  • The Faculty & Staff members shall not involve themselves in activities, not conducive to their work during the working hours.
  • The Faculty & Staff are prohibited from accepting valuable gifts in any form from the students/parents/companies having business transactions with the college.
  • The details of student feedback forms and self-performance appraisal reports given by the individual to the superior shall be treated as confidential.
  • Will follow the code of conduct given in the service rule of the Chhattisgarh State Govt.