The departmentof Botany in GovernmentRewati Raman Mishra P.G. College was establishedin the year 2010.Graduation (B.Sc.) and Master (M.Sc.) level classes are beingconducted in the department. B.Sc. was started in 2010 whereas M.Sc. (Botany)has been started from 2017 with 20 seats. The main aim of the Botany departmentis to include the highest value of life science education, respect for natureand concern for ethical values among students through good and scientificeducational practices. It is important to the students for the contemporaryadvance in life science and also a global perspective and such skills amongstudents that benefit humanity. It is important for appreciation in the fieldof organisms. The Department is well equipped with modern equipment formorphological, ecological, anatomical, molecular and plan physiologicalstudies. Gardens, Prototype Pond and Seed collection box are the mainattraction of the department. Department has a separate smart classroom andlaboratory with all required equipment.


To conduct authentic research, teaching and outreach on thepatterned processes of life with a focus on plants and their environments."Inculcate students with scientific temperament, environmentalawareness &prepare them to face challenges in life”


Impartquality education in the field of plant sciences & to sensitizestudents toward the need for conserving natural resources. Tofoster an environment of excellence by attracting and supporting theoutstanding students, faculty and staff dedicated sustain our vision. We focuson enable predictive understanding of plants at their local regional and globalscales. 

        The study of Botany is vital as plants are a fundamental part of life onEarth. The curriculum for the B.Sc. and M.Sc. Botany Programme has beendesigned with an aim of encouraging the broad instructional goals and tosupport the growing demands and challenging trends in the educational scenario.It targets at providing an environment that encourages, promotes and stimulatesthe intellectual, professional and personal development of the student. Thecurriculum caters to the all-round development of the student, preparingglobally ready individuals into the fast-pacing world. A three-year bachelor'sdegree and two-year master’s degree program in Botany provides the foundationfor prospective botanists to pursue a graduate and post graduate leveleducation or find an entry-level career.